ARTICLE I: Object of the contract and price
The Lessor makes available to the Tenant a type boat equipped with an outboard motor with CV power for half-day (s) day (s), from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Given its engine, the rented boat MUST BE CONDUCTED WITH A PERMIT and authorized to sail a maximum distance of 10 km (6 miles). It is however strongly advised to stay at 5 km from the coast maximum.

The maximum number of people on board is fixed at.

The rental price includes the boat, delivered with a full tank of petrol and returned with a full tank of petrol (any return without full tank will be invoiced per liter at 1 euro 86) and its accessories is fixed at:

PLEASE NOTE: any hour exceeded, even partial, will be billed at the hourly price of the current rate, ie € 20 incl. Tax / hour.

Any delay by the Tenant at the scheduled time of departure can in no case be deducted from his rental.

In any case, the loss of enjoyment due to bad weather or damage due to an error or negligence of the Tenant can not give rise to any compensation. Failure to comply with the safety and navigation instructions given is systematically considered as negligence. In particular, any damage found in an area prohibited to navigation on the day of rental and represented on a map annexed to the contract will be charged by default to the Tenant.

ARTICLE II: Return of the boat and the deposit:
The Tenant is required to return the boat and its equipment in excellent working order and cleanliness on the day and at the time provided for in the contract to avoid any price increase. Any boat returned in an excessively dirty state (food, sand, waste, branches) will be invoiced at € 20 including tax.

DEPOSIT: A deposit in the amount of € 1500.00 per rented boat is provided at the time of rental and constitutes a guarantee intended to cover abnormal damage, replacement of equipment or abandonment of the boat (port, beach, etc.). . ....). It is paid at the time of boarding and returned in whole or in part after the final inventory (verification of the boat, general condition, cleanliness, inventory of equipment).

In case of deterioration of the rented property or loss of accessories attributable to the Tenant, the costs will be deducted from the deposit according to the indicative price list provided in the annex to the inventory and inventory report.

ARTICLE III: Insurance
An insurance policy is taken out for the rented boat, guaranteeing the Tenant of the damage it could cause to the boat except a deductible covered by the amount of the deposit deposited. The Tenant is guaranteed in civil liability in accordance with the insurance taken out by the Lessor.

The Lessor disclaims all liability for loss or damage concerning the personal property of the Tenant and his crew. The insurance policy does not guarantee in matters of compensation the persons transported on the boat and accidents of which they could be victims.

ARTICLE IV: Use of the boat
The Tenant declares that the responsible skipper is himself or a third party named on this contract.

He is responsible for the boat and the equipment rented during the entire rental period. By signing this contract, the Tenant acknowledges having read the navigation and safety instructions displayed on board, as well as the prescriptions related to the use of the boat and the specific navigation zones annexed to this contract.

In addition, the skipper of the rented boat is subject to the following obligations:

Board only the maximum number of people stipulated in this contract;
NEVER ABANDON THE BOAT unless there is an immediate danger to the crew.
In the event of abandonment of the boat by the Tenant for any reason other than a proven and verifiable danger, all repatriation costs will be re-invoiced to it in addition to the deposit kept if this is not enough to cover all of such costs .

The Tenant expressly releases the Lessor from any liability as a shipowner or other, due to a breach of any of these rules and instructions and will answer alone, vis-à-vis the Maritime and Customs services, lawsuits, prosecutions , fines and confiscations, even in the event of involuntary faults on his part.

In case of problems or damage the Tenant must:

Notify the Lessor at 2.
Stay calm, don't panic.
Drop anchor moored to the boat
Make a sign to a boater who, as is the custom, will be able to assist you while awaiting the Rental
For half-day rental, the return time is set back by the duration of loss of enjoyment of the boat. If you cannot move back this hour, a refund of lost time will be made on the basis of the hourly rate.

ARTICLE V: Taking charge of the boat
The Lessor must hand over to the Tenant a boat in good seaworthiness, equipped and armed in accordance with the laws and regulations decreed by the competent authorities for the category of navigation provided. All equipment must be in good working condition upon departure and must be returned upon pain of replacement at the expense of the Tenant. An inventory is drawn up between the parties to boarding.

ARTICLE VI: Sublease - Loan

For any dispute relating to the execution of this contract, and in the event that, during an amicable arbitration, no solution has appeared, jurisdiction will be expressly given to the courts concerning the registered office of the company.